As per their webpage:
The Menaul Historical Library of the Southwest, located in Bennett Hall on the school campus, was founded in 1974. The library serves as the official archive of Menaul School and John Hyson Educational Center in Chimayó. In addition, it is a primary source of information on Presbyterian and related Protestant history in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah.
The library's collections include books, letters, Bibles, Menaul alumni records, photographs, microfilm, artifacts, manuscripts, oral histories and other memorabilia. All these materials are accessible on site to researchers, students, alumni, churches and other interested parties. Books on Presbyterian, mission school and southwestern history published by the library are available for sale.
The address of the library is
301 Menaul Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Their hours are posted on the website.
The library is supported by donations, so please consider sending them a contribution.
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