Table of Contents
1. President’s Message
2. Upcoming Programs
3. Sale: Valencia County Books!
4. New Mexico Genealogist March Issue Preview
5. Call for Papers: Aquí Se Comienza Special Issue
6. NMGS Website
7. Links
8. Subscribe / Unsubscribe
1. President’s Message
This month we may have come in like a lamb, but we will be leaving it roaring like a lion.
The New Mexico Genealogical Society has much planned for this month. First, we are going to have a fantastic program at the Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and the Arts. Second, at that program we will be offering at a discount of certain Valencia County books. Third, at the end of the month we will be sending out the New Mexico Genealogist’s first issue of the year.
April isn’t looking too shabby, either. Roar!
Robert Baca, President NMGS
2. Upcoming Programs
Saturday March 15, 2008, 10:30 AM, Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and the Arts, 251 Main St., Los Lunas, NM.
The much anticipated traveling programs begin this month! Join us at the newly opened Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and the Arts. Noted genealogist Francisco Sisneros will present the story of “Ana de Sandoval y Manzanares: Woman of Perseverance and Triumph”. This historic woman was recently selected to represent Valencia County in the New Mexico Historic Marker Initiative.
Saturday April 19, 2008, 10:30 AM, Special Collections Library, 423 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM (NW corner of Edith and Central)
Jan Bennett will give a presentation on her book The Making of a Family: The Pecos Years 1916-1940 (written in collaboration with her cousin Penny Storms.) Jan will talk about her family’s experiences in New Mexico. Her great-uncles, the Grant brothers, were railroad contractors who also owned many Albuquerque businesses such as the water works, the icehouse, the Grant Opera House and the Albuquerque Morning Journal. The city of Grants, NM is named after them. Their nephew, Jan’s grandfather, followed his uncles to New Mexico to help out with their businesses. This is also a story about his family.
Jan will read excerpts from her book, which includes personal reminisces, letters and diaries. Copies of her book will be available for purchase. Come join us on April 19th to listen to this dynamic speaker.
All programs are open and free to the public. For more information about these programs, please visit our website at http://www.nmgs.org/workshop.htm. A map showing directions to the Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and the Arts can be found on that page.
3. Sale: Valencia County Books!
It’s a one day sale! In honor of our March 15th presentation at the Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and the Arts, we will be selling certain discounted NMGS books! This sale is based on mailing costs; therefore, these books cannot be sold at these prices and then shipped to you. You must be present at the museum to get the discount. (If we run out of books, we will give out rain checks; however, you must make arrangements to pick up your purchases at a future NMGS meeting.)
Books for Sale on the morning of March 15, 2008 at the Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and the Arts:
San Augustin de la Isleta Church, Marriages and Baptisms (A5) - $30.00
Our Lady of Belen Church Baptisms (A10) – $40.00
Nuestra Señora de la Inmaculada Concepción de Tomé: Volume I (A11) - $42.00
Nuestra Señora de la Inmaculada Concepción de Tomé: Volume II (A12) - $40.00
Churches of Immaculate Conception of Tomé and Our Lady of Belen Marriages (C2) - $23.00
Look for other discounted books at future NMGS meetings!
4. New Mexico Genealogist March Issue Preview
Continuing our commitment to a quality journal, the March issue of the New Mexico Genealogist offers the following articles:
“The Story Behind the Photograph: Crespin Torres’ Genealogy” by Robert J. C. Baca
“Abiquiu Burial Records” (a transcription of lost burial records)
“Jose Carrillo, Civil War Veteran” by Nancy Anderson
“Genealogy and Citation” by Karen Daniel, CGsm
“The Lucero/Fresquis Family” by Eva Coca-Lucero
This issue will also include the regular articles Primeras Familias, New Mexico Ancestors, and Queries. The issue will be mailed out at the end of March.
5. Call for Papers: Aquí Se Comienza Special Issue
In March 2007, NMGS published our contribution to the Albuquerque Tri-Centennial: Aquí Se Comienza. This book chronicled the first few generations of the founding families of Alburquerque. When we issued this book, we realized that it was not a finished work. As with any genealogical enterprise - especially one of this magnitude – there would be a need for additions and revisions. Therefore, we asked you, the genealogical community, to submit papers based on this book.
In honor of the book’s second anniversary, we will be publishing a special March 2009 Issue of the New Mexico Genealogist: “Aquí Se Comienza”. We are calling for papers for this special issue. The deadline is less than nine months away, on January 1, 2009. Send us articles expanding on the families found in the book. You probably have a family history that you are dying to tell. No book can tell the whole story; but you certainly can tell the story that we didn’t.
… and don’t forget, we are always looking for other articles on New Mexican genealogy. Take up the challenge! Tell your family’s story. Contribute to our journal.
Our mailing address is:
New Mexico Genealogical Society
Attn: New Mexico Genealogist editor
PO Box 27599
Albuquerque, NM 87125-7559
Or, send an e-mail to our editor, Russ Shaw at rfshaw@vla.com.
6. NMGS Website
Here are a few things that you can find on the NMGS website:
“DAR New Mexico Colonial Patriot Soldiers and Alcalde Mayores” by Virginia Sanchez http://www.nmgs.org/artPatrDAR.htm
“Zuni Training School Register of Employees, 1905-1906” abstracted by Karen Daniel, CGsm http://www.nmgs.org/artZuniSchool.htm
“Grant County Marriages – 1868 – 1872” by Ann L. Mossman http://www.nmgs.org/artGrantmar1868.htm
Check out these online articles and more at the NMGS website: http://www.nmgs.org/
7. Links
Our upcoming program at the Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and Arts was mentioned in the Valencia County News Bulletin. The article also has some great photos of the museum. http://www.news-bulletin.com/lavida/78152-03-01-08.html
Here is an article about Grants, NM on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grants,_New_Mexico
Here is an article about Pecos, NM on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pecos%2C_NM
8. Subscribe
If you wish to have this newsletter e-mailed to you every month, send us an e-mail to abqbobcat@nmia.com. Type in the subject line “Subscribe: NMGS Newsletter”.
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