On the left is Apolonio Torres. On the right is his brother Ignacio Torres. But who is the man in the center? Family members argue that he is their father Crespin Torres, or possibly Canuto Torres, Crespin's brother. One other possibility is that he is Apolonio and Ignacio's brother Jose.
I'll discuss arguments for all three possibilities in a later blog.

Andreita Trujillo Torres (seated) with Juan Jose Montoya, Moises Sanchez and baby Crespin. Standing: Jose Torres and Domitila Sanchez. Photo taken about 1904.
Andreita was Crespin Torres' wife. Juan Jose Montoya is her grandson through her daughter Monica (Torres) Montoya. Moises Sanchez was married to Domatila (Torres) Sanchez, another one of Andreita's daughters. Crespin Sanchez was their son. Jose Torres was Andreita's son.
These two photos show four of Crespin and Andreita's children. The children not pictured are Rogerio Torres, Guadalupe (Torres) Olguin and Monica (Torres) Montoya. Monica Montoya probably died before these pictures were taken.
More Torres photos: here, here, here, here, and here.
Oh, and here, too.
Post revised on 6 August 2007 at 9:00 AM.
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