1. President’s Message
2. Upcoming Programs
3. NMGS Blog
4. NMGS Website
5. Albuquerque Special Collections Library
6. NMGS Press
1. President’s Message
Because of my busy schedule, I was unable to send a NMGS eNewsletter at the beginning of June. Therefore, this issue is for two months: June and July.
We had to make a change to the July 2008 program. The program next month will be the “Swiss Family Zimmerly: A Socorro, New Mexico Story”. Yours truly will be the speaker. I hope to see you on July 19th at the Albuquerque Special Collections Library.
Robert Baca, President NMGS
2. Upcoming Programs
* Saturday July 19, 2008, 10:30 AM, Special Collections Library, 423 Central Ave. NE, Albuquerque, NM (NW corner of Edith and Central.)
“Swiss Family Zimmerly: A Socorro, New Mexico Story” – speaker: Robert J. C. Baca. It is the story of the merging of two cultures. He was a foreign-born American Civil War soldier; she was a daughter of a family as old as New Mexico itself. Together they created a unique Swiss/Hispano family. Their story begins in the early frontier days of Socorro, goes through the advent of statehood, and continues on to the present day. The presenter will include a discussion of the research methods that he used to create this story.
* Saturday August 16, 2008, 10:30 AM, Special Collections Library, 423 Central Ave. NE, Albuquerque, NM (NW corner of Edith and Central.)
Workshop: “Researching at the Courthouse: Deeds, Wills, Titles and Other Records – Part II” – Presenter: William Litchman. Mr. Litchman presents the second part of his workshop that he began in September 2007. It will be an in-depth exploration of legal records that are essential to genealogical research.
* Coming in September: A traveling program to Las Vegas, New Mexico. Find out more about this program next month!
All programs are open and free to the public. For more information about these programs, please visit our website at http://www.nmgs.org/workshop.htm.
3. NMGS Blog
* Are the kids driving you crazy this summer? Why not get them involved in fun genealogical activities? The post “Summertime Blues: Genealogy Activities for Kids” has a listing of some great sites for kids. Check out the link at http://nmgsblog.blogspot.com/2008/06/summertime-blues-genealogy-activities.html
* In June, NMGS went on a field trip to Bernalillo, NM. Find out how it went by visiting the post “Field Trip to the Sandoval County Historical Society” at http://nmgsblog.blogspot.com/2008/06/field-trip-to-sandoval-county.html
Get up to date information about programs and events, genealogical news, and links to interesting websites by subscribing to the New Mexico Genealogical Society Blog at http://nmgsblog.blogspot.com/
4. NMGS Website
Did you know that you can help out Albuquerque Special Collections Library by ordering books on Amazon.com? Go to the front page of the NMGS website at http://www.nmgs.org/ and click on “Amazon.com” link on the left hand side of the page. Order books, electronics and other items from this link and a portion of your purchases will go to NMGS to support the Albuquerque Special Collections Library.
5. Albuquerque Special Collections Library
This is an exhibit you don't want to miss -- A treat for everyone living in or near Albuquerque, or planning a trip here!
On exhibit through Sept. 6, 2008
This special exhibit includes all of the books about Albuquerque published during the Tricentennial, featuring the newly-published genealogy of Alburquerque's founding families, "Aqui Se Comienza" by the New Mexico Genealogical Society. Also on display are documents and illustrations about early Albuquerque, loaned to Special Collections library by the Center for Southwest Research of the University of New Mexico. This is a large compilation of images and documents about life in Albuquerque from its founding in 1706 up to modern times."
For more information, check out the library’s website at http://www.cabq.gov/library/specol.html
6. NMGS Press
Below are some books that relate to Socorro, New Mexico that are sold by NMGS Press:
* San Miguel del Socorro Church (Baptisms), 1821 – 1853. 500 pages, 1998. Book A-9. $50.00.
* Censuses of 1833 and 1845 - Socorro & Surrounding Communities of the Rio Abajo. 172 pages, 1994. Book B-6. $24.00.
You can order these books and many, many more on the NMGS Press webpage at http://www.nmgs.org/books.htm
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