Febrero 1871 (page) 139
Juan Vaca
Hoy dia once de este mes bautize a Juan Vaca nacido en Lemitar el dia diez de este mismo mes hijo legit(imo) de Martin Vaca y Rita Luna. Padrinos=Nepomuceno Castillo y Barbara Lopez.
February 1871 (page) 139
Juan Vaca
On the 11th day of this month baptized Juan Vaca born in Lemitar on the 10th day of this month, the legitimate son of Martin Vaca and Rita Luna. Godparents: Nepomuceno Casatillo and Barbara Lopez.
Recently, my uncles and I had a discussion about Juan Vaca. They said that he was not a true Baca, but rather that he was adopted. They said that he may have been a Luna. They also said that he was originally from Pena Blanca, NM. This record shows that he was indeed a legitimate son of Martin Baca and not adopted, also that he was born in Lemitar, NM.
They may have be mistaken as to which ancestor was adopted. This Baca family is indeed originally from Pena Blanca. I have not found a baptismal record for Juan's father Martin. Maybe Martin is the adopted child.
Source: Archives of the Archdioses of Santa Fe, microfilm, Roll # 16994
My great grandparents were Nepomuceno Castillo and Barbara Lopez the godparents of Juan Vaca. Isn't the internet amazing when it comes to genealogy?!
That is great! It would be great to find out what the relationship between the Castillos and Bacas are. Possibly no more than friendship, but it would still be interesting.
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